Affordable Solar Roofing Options Throughout Central Ohio

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Solar Panel Installation Service Area

Are you considering making the switch to solar? The local experts at Lifetime Quality Solar are here to help. Since we first opened our doors, we have been working alongside homeowners and businesses throughout Central Ohio.

Along the way, we have earned accreditation with the Better Business Bureau. With our team on your side, you can enjoy unmatched benefits and services including:

  • Free Roof Inspections
  • Residential Solar Roofing Services
  • Commercial Solar Roofing Services
  • Custom Solar Roofing Products
  • Additional Solar Roofing Resources
  • Flexible Financing Options
  • … and more!

Professional Solar Roofers Serving the Greater Central Ohio Area

Lifetime Quality Solar is a local solar company, which means we understand what it takes to keep your property safe from anything the Central Ohio climate throws at it. More than anything, our goal is to help you save money and energy from month to month. Depending on where you live, you can get in touch with our local experts nearest you:


Start Planning with a Free Quote from Our Central Ohio Solar Roof Installers

At Lifetime Quality Solar, our goal is to meet you where your needs are, so you can enjoy an energy-efficient roof system that looks great, saves you money, and can weather every season. On top of our premium products and efficient installations, we offer affordable prices and flexible financing plans. If you’re ready to start planning your project, get in touch with our team to learn more and get a free quote today.

Cut Your Energy Costs with Solar

Get your bill ready and see how much you can save!

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Out of 5 Reviews

    Get a 26% Federal Tax Credit on Solar Installation

    The government offers attractive incentives to encourage homeowners and businesses to transition to solar power. One such incentive is the federal solar tax credit.


    Get a 26% Federal Tax Credit on Solar Installation

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    Lifetime Quality Solar Reviews

    Columbus Solar Review

    I had my roofing solar system installed and I and very happy with the results and the amount of money I have been saving.