The Surprisingly Affordable Cost of Solar Installation

Solar Installation Cost

If it’s been a while since you’ve looked into the cost of solar panels, then it’s time to look again! The average cost has dropped nearly 90% in the last decade or so, so although the cost of solar shingles once put this update out of reach, the lower prices can make it much easier to transition to this clean-energy option.

These declining solar price trends allow Lifetime Quality Solar to install premium solar products at budget-friendly prices.

Enjoy immediate savings and the other benefits that come with installing solar power in your Central Ohio home or business.

Solar Price Trends 

During your consultation with Lifetime Quality Solar, we’ll use a solar cost estimator to provide your upfront cost and the long-term cost—which is based on your energy savings. In most cases, crunching these numbers results in a net-zero solar cost over time!

The average cost of solar panels continues to decline—a fact that makes some people question whether now is the best time to install solar or if they should wait for lower prices.

This is why you shouldn’t wait:

  • As mentioned above, your solar cost over time is likely to be net-zero. Waiting for the price that solar shingles cost to come down means you’ll continue to pay high electricity costs—pushing back the day that you’ll be able to reach your goal of a net-zero monthly payment.
  • The clock is ticking down on the generous federal tax credits for solar that are currently in effect. The  tax credit that was slated to reduce from 26% to 22% for 2021 has temporarily been extended, so you can take advantage of the higher credit through 2022. In 2023, it will drop to 22% and, unless it’s renewed again, will cease to be available in 2024. 

What does this mean to you?

It means waiting to install solar could end up costing you thousands of dollars in missed tax credits.

Now is the perfect time to make the transition to solar, and take advantage of what could well be a once-in-a-lifetime combination of generous tax credits and attractive financing.

Learn More About the Cost of Solar Installation for Your Central Ohio Home or Business

Lifetime Quality Solar helps Central Ohio homeowners and commercial property owners enjoy the benefits of solar power. Browse our helpful resources to learn more about solar and to schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable solar specialist. Call or fill out our online form now to get started.

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    Get a 26% Federal Tax Credit on Solar Installation

    The government offers attractive incentives to encourage homeowners and businesses to transition to solar power. One such incentive is the federal solar tax credit.


    Get a 26% Federal Tax Credit on Solar Installation

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    Such a great company and great experience. I would recommend lifetime quality solar to anyone.